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Don’t forget to sign up for the latest news and information in automotive from APC, delivered to your inbox.
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Online Vehicle Purchasing: Pros and Cons
ConsumerThe process of purchasing a vehicle was once to be a major event that involved a specific sales pattern. A customer would go to a dealership, test drive a few vehicles, and repeat until they found a dealership and vehicle they preferred. Today, all of that has been traded in for the ease and simplicity of online vehicle browsing and purchasing.
Winter Vehicle Maintenance Tips
ConsumerSince winter is here, it is important to take extra precautions to maintain your vehicle. Drivers don’t want to be stranded by a dead battery or an accident due to an unclear windshield. Fortunately, with simple preventive steps, drivers can be safer on the roads this winter. Keep reading to review vehicle maintenance tips to keep vehicles running throughout the cold season.
FAQ’s About Automotive Product Consultants
Customer Loyalty, Data Security, Dealership, Direct Mail, Marketing, Parts and Service, Safeguards, Sales, Service DriveWith over 24 years of experience in the field, we are well-equipped to help you with more than dealership marketing. These are some of the common questions potential clients ask us.
APC Becomes 4X Dealers’ Choice Award Winner
Customer Loyalty, Dealership, Direct Mail, Marketing, Sales, Service DriveAutomotive Product Consultants, the leading Post-Sale Vehicle Service Contract Marketer, announced that is has received three Dealers’ Choice Awards in 2024, making it a four-time award winner. For 20 years, the Dealers’ Choice Awards have recognized the best vendors, suppliers, and finance partners in the automotive industry.
Using Direct Mail Marketing to Generate Dealership Revenue
Dealership, Direct Mail, Marketing, SalesIt’s easy to overlook traditional marketing methods such as direct mail in today’s digital age. In the automotive, RV, and powersports industries, direct mail is still a useful tool for boosting sales and profits. Let’s explore this time-tested strategy to reach potential customers.
The Difference Between a Warranty and a Vehicle Service Contract
ConsumerWhether you’re thinking about buying a new vehicle or simply extending protection on your existing car, manufacturer’s warranties and vehicle service contracts may be fresh on your mind. While both services can be helpful, it’s crucial to understand the key differences between the two options.
Avoiding a Dealership Data Breach
Data Security, Dealership, Marketing, SafeguardsIn today’s interconnected world, where our lives are increasingly lived online, the threat of a data breach looms larger than ever. From online vehicle sales platforms to cloud-based service tools and software, the automotive industry is more reliant on technology today than ever before, and more vulnerable to cyberattacks.
Using the F&I Department to Boost Service Drive Revenue
Customer Loyalty, Dealership, Marketing, Parts and Service, Sales, Service DriveAlthough the Finance and Insurance (F&I) department is traditionally focused on vehicle sales, it also holds massive potential for increasing service drive revenue. This is specifically beneficial for automotive dealerships that desire to diversify their income streams and build lasting customer loyalty. Aa strategic approach can turn the F&I department into a powerful tool that drives repeat service drive business for long-term dealership success.