How a Customer-Centric Blog Can Drive Growth for Your Dealership

In today’s competitive automotive landscape, dealerships must constantly seek new ways to engage with customers and drive growth. One powerful tool that is often overlooked is a well-crafted blog tailored to your customers’ needs and interests. There are many ways that a customer-centric blog can benefit your dealership, from increasing website traffic to building stronger relationships with your audience.

Increase Traffic to Your Dealership Website

Blogging is an excellent way to boost traffic to your dealership’s website. By consistently creating fresh, relevant content, you increase your chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). This increased visibility can attract more potential customers who are actively searching for information related to your dealership’s offerings. Many dealerships don’t realize that website with blogs get 55% more traffic than those who don’t. Additionally, each new blog post creates another opportunity for your website to be discovered, shared, and linked to by other websites, further enhancing your online presence.

Building Better Relationships with Customers

A dealership blog should focus on providing educational and informative content rather than being purely sales-oriented. By sharing industry insights, dealership news, and helpful tips, you demonstrate your commitment to your customers’ needs and establish your dealership as a trusted resource. This approach can turn casual visitors into loyal customers who view your dealership as their go-to source for all their automotive needs. Furthermore, by encouraging readers to engage with your content through comments and social media shares, you foster a sense of community and strengthen the bond between your dealership and its customers.

Controlling Your Online Presence

Blogging allows you to take control of your dealership’s online reputation and brand image. By creating content that aligns with your dealership’s values and expertise, you set the tone for how you want to be perceived by your target audience. This control enables you to showcase your unique selling points, highlight your commitment to customer service, and differentiate yourself from competitors. Moreover, by providing valuable information on topics such as service and maintenance, vehicle lifecycles, and financing options, you position your dealership as a knowledgeable and trustworthy source, generating leads and encouraging customers to seek your guidance.

Engaging Blog Topics for Dealerships

Below are some possible blogging topics for dealerships to consider:

  • New Models and Features: Keep your audience up-to-date with the latest vehicle models and their exciting new features
  • Inventory Information: Provide readers with a glimpse into your current inventory, including details on specs, pricing, and any special offers or promotions.
  • Vehicle Reviews and Customer Testimonials: Share honest and informative reviews of the vehicles you offer, highlighting their strengths and unique selling points. Include customer testimonials to provide social proof and build trust with potential buyers.
  • Service and Maintenance Information: Educate your readers on the importance of regular vehicle maintenance and the services your dealership offers. Provide helpful tips on how to keep their vehicles running smoothly and efficiently.
  • F&I Coverage Topics: Discuss the various F&I products available to customers, explaining the benefits and considerations of each. This is especially important when selling high value products such as vehicle service contracts.
  • Financing vs. Leasing: Break down the differences between financing and leasing a vehicle, outlining the pros and cons of each option. Provide guidance on which choice might be best suited for different types of customers.
  • Employee/Staff of the Month: Showcase the hardworking individuals who make your dealership thrive. Highlight their achievements, expertise, and dedication to customer service, humanizing your brand and fostering a sense of community.
  • Dealership News and Events: Keep your audience informed about the latest happenings at your dealership, such as special events, promotions, community involvement, and charitable initiatives. Show that your dealership is more than just a place to buy cars, but a vital part of the local community.

Unlocking Your Dealership’s Potential

Blogging is a powerful tool that can help your dealership increase website traffic, build stronger customer relationships, and control your online presence. By creating educational and engaging content that resonates with your target audience, you establish your dealership as a trusted resource and generate leads that can translate into increased sales.

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5 Solutions to Customer Complaints at Dealerships

Purchasing a vehicle is an exciting time, but it can also be a stressful time for potential customers. A visit to a dealership is rarely simple, it often involves a long day spent with a sales team member and in the F&I office.

There’s no industry that is foolproof against customer complaints, and the excitement, stress, and high emotion of purchasing a high-value item such as a vehicle often leads to stresses for customers that may lead to them complaining in person or even online. In 2023, an average of 10% of a new dealership’s reviews were negative.

In such a high-stakes situation, customers want to feel assured that they’ve made the right decision in the vehicle they are purchasing and the dealership they are choosing to work with. Some complaints can stir up some doubts in potential buyers. The good news is that with these helpful strategies, your dealership can avoid the most common complaints among vehicle shoppers.

  1. Build Trust & Transparency – Many consumers have a built-in mistrust for the automotive industry. One recent study shows that 76% of those asked don’t trust cardealerships to be honest about pricing. If dealerships want to avoid being affected by this, they must build that trust with their customers. The best way to do that is to be as transparent and up-front as possible while maintaining regular customer contact. If there are issues with the vehicle in the service drive or problems in the F&I office, be honest with the customer about what is going on and how the dealership is going to work to create the best outcome for the customer.
  2. Give Buyers Their Money’s Worth – Many customers are concerned about vehicle pricing, especially with so many opportunities for upgrades and additional services. Customers must rely on dealerships to purchase vehicles, but that means they are often left haggling over a feature or monthly payment. Take customer concerns seriously and work with them to learn what is and isn’t important, and what will have them driving away happily after the transaction.
  3. Don’t Push Unnecessary Services – Customers don’t want to feel as if they are being sold unnecessary services each time they visit their dealership. Recent studies show that in 2023, only 30% of all serviced cars were taken to a dealership for maintenance. However, 46% of those customers don’t trust the service drive to be honest in pricing and what’s needed. If the service drive is transparent with customers about their service needs, they’re bound to return when other services are needed.
  4. Avoid the Stereotype of the “Pushy” Salesperson – Let’s face it: vehicle sales is a competitive market. With high interest rates and other economic concerns, buying a new vehicle is a struggle for many customers.  In 2024, the vehicle market is remaining close to record highs on vehicle pricing, and those aren’t projected to lower any time soon. It’s important to carefully assess the customer’s needs while avoiding appearing pushy during this stressful decision-making process.
  5. Steer Clear of False Advertising – Finally, one of the biggest complaints from vehicle buyers is that too many dealerships use false or misleading marketing. Avoid marketing specials and deals with complicated fine print or limitations on the promotion. These might get customers to the showroom, but they may leave unhappy and have a bad memory of trying to work with that dealership. Instead, be up-front and transparent with what the specials and promotions offer and who is eligible before they even get to the F&I office, if possible.

Address Complaints Before They Start

Customer complaints are all too common – and usually louder than a positive review or accolade. However, many customer complaints can be prevented ahead of time by implementing business practices designed to create the best customer experience possible. When a dealership understands the negative experiences potential customers may have already faced, they can ensure that they don’t repeat that history.

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Did you know that more than 10 million electric vehicles are on the road worldwide today? To put this into perspective, that figure was only 53,000 in 2012, representing a massive 18,000% growth in the EV market. As the EV market continues to thrive, exploring the benefits of vehicle service contract coverage, the costs associated with electric vehicle repairs, and the unique technical requirements of these environmentally friendly vehicles is essential.