New technology in the automotive industry provides a variety of attractive options for consumers. From smart integrations to advanced safety features, customers are visiting dealerships to try out the newest models and learn about the benefits.

Many factors contribute to success, and among them is the delivery of exceptional customer service. The quality of service provided to vehicle buyers can make or break a dealership’s reputation and bottom line.

If you’re an agent working with automotive dealerships, you already know that ensuring customer satisfaction and retention while boosting revenue is a challenge that dealership principals face on a daily basis.

We’ve all had our phone ring and look at the number on the screen, only to realize it’s a spam call. Effective communication is integral to the success of any marketing campaign. In a world where a consumer is spammed, how do legitimate offers and communications from businesses stand out?

It can be difficult for dealerships to motivate their sales teams – vehicle sales are intensive, and employees can easily be drained. Sales managers need to understand that they must also focus on rewarding their employees in ways that go beyond their paychecks.

Everyone deserves to feel motivated by the work they do for their sales manager.

Service contracts provide peace of mind to vehicle owners, covering unexpected repair costs and protecting their investment. However, many customers don’t purchase a service contract at the point of sale, leaving potential revenue on the table for dealerships and a great opportunity for remarketing to these contacts.